What does it mean to dream of snakes?

What does it mean to dream of snakes and snakes

If you wonder what does it mean to dream of snakes, in this article you will know all the possible details. Snakes are a species that belongs to the family of snakes, of the class sauropsids. Its scientific name is natrix natrix and normally we humans associate them with negative situations, especially when we dream.

We feel anxious and wake up nervous because it has been more of a nightmare than anything else. The reason is that many of them are poisonous, unfriendly to human beings.

What is the meaning of dreaming about snakes and snakes?

As you will see below, there are many ways to interpret this dream. Snakes can be displayed in many ways, so the dream symbology will be different. For example, it does not mean the same if they are small, large, green or yellow, if they are alive or dead, if they are thin or fat. In addition, they can appear together with other species of sauropsids such as the rattlesnake biting you, or with rats, spiders, have two heads ... For this reason it is important that you read all the options below.

What does it mean to dream of snakes or vipers

Usually when a snake or any other snake appears in your subconscious, the first dream interpretation is that you have a concern.

Dream of big or small snakes

The size of the viper is directly related to the level of such concern. How much the bigger your problem the bigger it will be, while the smaller it is, the less attention it will require. To distinguish between giant or small sauropsids, it is usually understood every night that you see how it changes in size. If your restlessness is greater, you will see how it grows. Usually it usually represents some family, economic altercation or intimidation by an enemy. But there are more details.

You dream of colored snakes: green, yellow, white or red

Colors are a representation of different moods. It is possible to dream of green, yellow, red, white snakes and even other colors that partly serve to interpret what your subconscious has transmitted to you during those hours of rest.

  • The green color is associated with the normal animal itself, so other factors must be taken into account, such as those that I will comment on later.
  • In the event that you come across a yellow sauropsid it is because your concern is of a personal nature. That is, you have had a brush with a person or that enemy does not stop attacking your morale. You must persist, do not give up.
  • If they are white, you have a intimate relationship that is not working properly and it must be solved as soon as possible. On the other hand, if you dream of a viper or a red snake, it is related to money or something material.

Dream about dead snakes

When you kill an enemy, you free yourself of a weight. The same happens with snakes; when you see them dead it's because you have overcome a fear that did not let you rest easy. It could be having faced someone who attacked you personally, learning to say no when necessary, or telling a person what you think without fear of consequences.

Dreaming of a dead snake indicates that you are getting stronger, especially if other animals appear such as more snakes, spiders, rats, vipers, mice or cockroaches. The key is that they are all dead.

Although the above dreams are the most frequent among those who have nightmares about this animal, there are many more different variants that you should know if you cannot rest peacefully. Here I show you the rest.

Dream of big and fat snakes

If they are big and fat it means that the problem is growing and you must stop it as soon as possible. Face what does not let you sleep.

Dream about water snakes

Dreaming of snakes in the water means that your concern will be difficult to fix. When an animal is in the water, it is more difficult for us to catch it, so you will have to dedicate more efforts to achieve your goal.

Dreaming of snakes and snakes together

If the snakes are next to other snakes such as the rattlesnake, the viper or a cobra, it is because more people are against you. First find out who the culprit is, then act.

Dreaming of snakes that bite you

If you dream of snakes that bite or sting you, it means that you have been deceived. It can also represent uneasiness about being betrayed by another person. It can be from a family member, a friend or your partner.

Dreaming of having an asp nearby

If you see that a snake is very close to you, it means that you are suspecting someone is treating you badly behind your back despite the fact that he is very close later. There are people who are false, you must keep your guard up. Something similar happens when you see that he is in bed.

Dreaming that you have a snake on your neck

Is it on your neck? You probably dream that a snake wants to strangle your neck, which is interpreted as a lack of self-esteem regarding your sex life. If you haven't been on the subject for a long time, you may need to find a partner as soon as possible.

As you have appreciated, there are many ways for snakes to appear in your dreams. It is important to know all of them, and to know that they can occur in both men and women, as well as older and younger people.

Video of the meaning of dreaming about snakes

If this article about what does it mean to dream of snakes It has been useful for you, then I recommend that you see the rest in the animals section or in the dictionary section: letter C.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

9 comments on "What does it mean to dream of snakes?"

  1. I dreamed of a huge and very thick snake, but when my cousin killed it, he cut his head in many attempts and grabbed his head so that he would bite the branch of a tree and there he would release the poison .. But when he released it, he managed to bite him and he was very serious in the hospital .. I woke up crying and went to the bathroom .. Then I went back to sleep and kept dreaming the same thing .. I already went to the hospital to see my cousin .. And then I saw a snake pass in front of the smallest house about 1mt beige with brown, and when we were almost leaving the house another yellow and white snake was surrounding the game but disappeared, then another large medium thick brown color, had whiskers like, went hunting and was half rolled with its head I got up and saw my sister and I was afraid she was going to bite her. I woke up screaming and crying.
    Could you help me, what does all that mean?

  2. I dreamed that I was looking for a shelter for my baby and me, but we had to cross black waters full of huge boas of various colors, black, red with black, yellow, most of them were black. After the journey to get to land I climbed on each boa, at the end I got on one and hit it on the head to direct it to take me to the mainland, when I arrive I just take my baby out of the water, we take refuge from all the boas, but they were gone, only my baby and I were, calm and safe. Throughout the tour we were always calm, although at first you were suspicious of the boas because we felt that they were biting us, but no, it was the opposite, we dominated them.

  3. I dreamed that they threw me into the water with many black snakes and that I left there and they wanted to lock me up with all those snakes.

  4. I dreamed that I was in the river with a childhood friend and in the water there were many snakes or vipers but they never attacked me even though I always passed by their side

  5. I dreamed of 4 snakes, two small, two large, one white and one black, one of the big ones.

  6. I dreamed, with the big river and a big snake and a color like white or skin, but it was light, and that it had killed it, but the snake had bitten my mother, but it was supposed to be dead, you can tell me it's because favor

  7. I have dreamed that I was in the mountains with some friends and suddenly I noticed that there were many dark green snakes on the ground, they were all dead and of different sizes, from dwarfs to huge, all were dead and and some tapeworms up to the guts On the outside, according to the article this means that I am getting stronger and in truth you are right because I am overcoming many circumstances and I have improved as a person, I really liked reading this article, thanks for your attention, greetings =)

  8. Hello who helped me to know my meaning of my dream
    I dreamed of a red sepierte that was calm and looked into my eyes but never bit me.
    Then you dream of a small red snake that was skinny and was passing under my wooden house
    what meaning does it have

  9. Hello, can you tell me the meaning of this dream, I was at home, and there came out a yellow snake with a white one, it was big, I hid but it could attack me later, I saw small snakes so little they attacked me, they only moved I hid


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