dream drunk

drunk person

The vast majority of dreams have a meaning, a way for our subconscious to communicate something positive or negative to us. That's why when you dream it is important to remember the most characteristic of the dream. One of them may be dreaming of a drunk. Has it ever happened to you?

If you want to know what it means and what your mind is trying to tell you, then we will give you the answer based on what you can remember the most. Go for it?

What does it mean to dream of a drunk

person who has had too much to drink

We cannot deny that dreaming of a drunk is, to say the least, strange and rare. It is not something that we want to have in our thoughts when we sleep, but it can happen. And the truth is, in most cases, the meaning is positive. Positive changes, good news, celebrations... But not always; There may also be problems of sadness, breakups or problems that you avoid and that are more important than you think.

It all depends on what you remember from the dream, if the one who is drunk is a family member, if the drunk chases you or wants to fight...

Next we will give you the usual meanings based on what you remember the most.

Meaning of dreaming about drunk relatives

dream drunk

It is not pleasant to see drunk family members in your dream (although these are funny), and besides its meaning is not very positive either.

According to experts, when you have this dream, your subconscious is telling you that you are frustrated, that you feel defeated, failed or that you think that "lucky" people can succeed in life.

Obviously, if the reins are taken and the objective is directed, with patience, tenacity and work the results will be achieved, although it is true that there may be ups and downs along this path.

Dream of an aggressive drunk

Let's face it, an aggressive drunk is not a person you want to meet either in your dreams or in real life. But when this figure appears in the dream and is what you remember most about it, then your mind is warning you that there is a person nearby who has "two faces", that is, that he is not as good as you might think and that, if he behaves well with you, it may be that he is giving you the "stab" from behind.

Therefore, It is a warning that your subconscious gives you to be careful.. But it is not the only meaning.

Another of the meanings that you should take into account It is related to family problems, or mistrust. If those problems are solved, then you will be better off, but it is necessary to take the step to do so.

Dream of a drunk chasing me

Person who begins to dream drunk

Dreams sometimes turn into nightmares, like dreaming of a drunk chasing you. Its meaning is perhaps the most special of all because, to your subconscious, that drunk chasing you is actually you. Your faults, your sorrows, those negative attitudes... In other words, the "you" you don't want to face because we know you've done something wrong.

That's why you run away and he goes after you, because your mind is warning you that you won't be able to run away forever but, if you want to solve it, the best thing is to face it.

Dream of a drunk who wants to drive

In real life, a drunk wanting to drive is unthinkable, although we know that it happens many more times than we would like.

In your dreams, your subconscious is sending you a warning that you should listen to others. In fact, their opinions, advice, suggestions and even ideas can help you and improve your life. But for this you must let them speak.

What does it mean to dream of a drunk who speaks incoherently

There are many types of drunks, and in this case, one of them may be the one who, when very drunk, begins to say incoherencies, not control their emotions, etc. If you dream of someone like that, your subconscious is warning you that there is something in you that is not right.

It is usually related to the ego, with that way of seeing yourself over others. And it is an indication that you should check if your attitude towards others is really adequate or, on the contrary, you should change it.

Dream of drunks fighting

When in your dream what you remember most is how some drunks were fighting, what your subconscious wants to tell you is that you do not know the direction you are going to take in your life. We could say that those drunks without a representation of how you feel internally, where you have several options but you don't know which one to choose because of the pros and cons it has. However, your goal is to live in a calm way and therefore you are looking for that path that gives you serenity.

Another meaning of seeing drunks fighting in your dreams It is an indication of problems, discussions and negative situations that can come into your life., or that they already are, and that they are complicating your family, work or even personal environment.

Meaning of dreaming of a drunk who vomits

Dreaming of a drunk who vomits, besides being disgusting, it is one of the most complicated interpretations to give because it actually has two meanings: one positive and one negative. And within these, there are two differences regarding whether he is married or in a relationship, or single.

Among the positive meanings when you are married, indicates that you are going to have a period of happiness and joy. How much is not specified, but the truth is that on a personal, family and work level you will do quite well.

On the other hand, if you are single, this dream may indicate that a special person is approaching you who can make you very happy. But be careful, because if you do not respond to this person, happiness may last very little.

Among the negative meanings, these are related to depressions, problems that have not been solved or that we do not want to solve, lack of time for oneselfโ€ฆ Although it may indicate this, it is not something that will last forever; if one is able to face those problems and solve them, or at least try, things will change.

You already have a guide so that, if you ever remember dreaming of a drunk, you can see what it means and remedy it if it is negative, or try to extend that period of good luck that is yet to come. Have you ever dreamed of this figure?

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

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