What does it mean to dream of chocolate?

What does it mean to dream of chocolate

Dream of chocolate is not as frequent as doing it with snakes o Spiders, but it is much more pleasant. That the subconscious shows you a sweet is a reason to like it, since normally the meaning is positive. The cake, the cake, the chocolates. All of them delicious. But what exactly is the interpretation of this dream?

Remember that to correctly interpret your dream, it is essential to take into account the context, how the plot occurs and what stage of your life you are going through. For example, it is not the same dreaming of drinking a cup of hot chocolate at home (reason for tranquility) than to gulp down chocolate (you don't feel comfortable with the diet you're doing). You will find out all the details below.

What is the meaning of dreaming about chocolate?

Almost all of us have a hard time resisting sweet taste of cocoa, a delicacy of gods for the palate. Generally, this food usually represents some aspect of your love or sentimental life, especially when you are able to contemplate a good cake while resting peacefully, waking up from sleep with a feeling of tranquility and happiness. But there are other variants that in the dream world are interpreted as follows.

What does it mean to dream of eating chocolate

Dream About Eating Pure Chocolate is an indication of feel proud of yourself for some work or project that has achieved its objectives. In this way, you reward yourself with this reward more than deserved.

For its part, the cocoa bean is the symbol of productivity. Do you have a company that is paying off? Is love going well for you? Have you been promoted at work? Did you get good marks on the exams? It would not be surprising if a cart full of cocoa is shown by your mind.

If during the dream you are eating chocolate excessively, represents your dissatisfaction with the diet you are eating.

You should control the calories you eat, especially from sugars, sweets and sweets. I also recommend that you read the interpretation of dreaming about eating.

Have you dreamed of making liquid chocolate? Means that you are working hard to carve out your future. If you have a business idea, it may be time to launch it.

It can also represent your infatuation with a person, and your desire to build a fluid relationship with him or her.

Be eating a chocolate cake It means that the history you have with a person or your friendship matures over the years.

Making a good cake involves work, dedication and, above all, maturing the recipe.

For its part, chocolates are often interpreted in the economic sense. Do you have many in your arms? Then you do well in money matters.

If you dream that you throw them away or distribute them among strangers, it means that you are wasting it or that you feel that they are taking advantage of you.

Pay attention to your surroundings. For more information, read what is the meaning of dreams with money.

Dream About Buying Chocolate symbolize your desire to overcome a difficult moment. It usually shows up if you have recently had a breakup, your mood has been affected or you are looking for true love.

If your dreams mix chocolate with rice, is related to an enterprising personality as well as friendly and close. Know the meaning of dreaming about rice for better performance.


If you have found this article about dream of chocolate, then I suggest you read more in the section of dreams that start with C.

? reference bibliography

All the information on the meaning and interpretation of this dream has been prepared using prestigious bibliography developed by leading psychoanalysts and experts in the field such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung or Mary Ann Mattoon. You can see all the details of the specific bibliography by clicking here.

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