What does it mean to dream of pandemics?

What does it mean to dream of pandemics

It is not something very common, but it does happen and when we least expect it. So, the meaning of dreaming about pandemics is something that we are facing more than we would like. Due to the coronavirus and the state of alert that has been decreed, our life has been altered and this is also reflected in dreams.

Hence dreaming of viruses and epidemics is very common in these times. Therefore, we must start from the fact that our body and mind are already suggested to this topic. Analyzing a dream is more complex than we think, but if we already have this basis, it only remains to comment on its meaning. Do you want to find out?

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What does it mean to dream that you are killed?

What does it mean to dream that you are killed

Dream that they kill you and you wake up startled at the moment of the crime is more frequent than you think. Throughout life we ​​go through many anguish, fears that invade our heads, and at some point in it this translates into several nightmares. But ... what do they really mean? To draw definitive conclusions about the dream in which you are murdered, you must first analyze the context in which it occurs. Since it doesn't make the same sense let a friend kill you to be done by a stranger or an animal that you have a phobia.

In addition, it is convenient to take into account your emotional situation and the circumstances that you are going through, since something as simple as making a decision can be the one that causes this nightmare. It is not too much to know the meaning of dream of killing (if you are the one who commits the murder) and dream about murder (if you witness it as a third person or you are not involved in it). Because there you will have more ideas to complete the interpretation.

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What does it mean to dream of murder or murder?

What does it mean to dream of murder or murder

You want to know what does it mean to dream of murder? In that case, keep reading this article. Murders occur frequently in our dreams when we have witnessed a robbery or a robbery and we feel scared, as well as when we see a news on television or in a newspaper and it impacts us.

Other times, by social convention, our mind teaches us a crime in an apparently spurious way. First of all, it must be said that depending on your current circumstances and the context of the plot, a homicide can have different interpretations. Killing someone you know does not have the same meaning as killing a stranger or even an animal. Other times, you are the person being persecuted (discover what does it mean to dream that they are chasing me), whom they want to kill. Why were they shooting at me? What event in my real life can cause these nightmares?

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What does it mean to dream of a knife?

What does it mean to dream of a knife

In this article I explain in detail what does it mean to dream of a knife. The knives They are a very useful kitchen utensil and undoubtedly one of the most interesting and used inventions of mankind. Thanks to them we do not need our teeth to cut food, we do not harm ourselves and we prevent our digestive system from working more than necessary.

Every day we have a knife in our hands and we can give it many uses, that is why it is normal to dream of them. However, first I want to tell you that there are many possible interpretationsas the context can vary drastically. That is to say, it does not mean the same to dream of peeling potatoes, that they rob you and put a knife to your neck, or that it is full of blood. Are there fights involved? They are broken? Or do you just see a kitchen set with forks and spoons? Are they gold or silver? As you can see, there are many possibilities and I want to show you all.

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What does it mean to dream of killing?

What does it mean to dream of killing

Today I will show you what it means dream of killing. Many times, by watching an action, suspense or drama movie, we have related dreams in which we kill someone. The same is true when we see a murder story on television or in the newspaper.

This happens because our subconscious reminds us of parts of real life that impact us in a certain way. However, it is also possible that these crimes appear in an apparently spontaneous way. A homicide It has multiple interpretations depending on the circumstances you are going through and the development of the dream plot.

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What does it mean to dream of a cemetery?

What does it mean to dream of a cemetery

In this articleor about what does it mean to dream of a cemetery you rI reveal all interpretations of this dream. Did you know that cemeteries and graves cause respect to more than 70% of the world's population? Have you dreamed of any, seeing coffins and tombstones of acquaintances or strangers? It is not a very frequent dream but surely many of you at some point in our lives have been curious about going to a cemetery at night.

Many of us wonder what there is after life, in the afterlife, what can cause dream of closed coffins or open, tombstones or an entire cemetery. But there are many possible meanings depending on the situation evoked by the subconscious. You may go day or night, that there are graves or coffins, that you find yourself dead, that the cemetery itself is very beautiful, old or only for children, animals. Or even that the cemetery is in ruins.

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What does it mean to dream about coronavirus?

What does it mean to dream about coronavirus

One of the dreams that has been repeated the most in recent weeks is this. Hence we all want to know the meaning of dreaming about coronavirus. Our society is going through a critical moment and this has also made our mind and body react to it in some way.

Through dreams we are also shown everything that we have accumulated in our subconscious and that does not always come to light. That is why today, we are going to discover all the meanings that a dream gives us in which diseases or viruses are present. Pay attention to all this!

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What does it mean to dream of gunshots?

What does it mean to dream of gunshots

When someone dreams of bullets, you automatically wonder what that dream has meant. The symbols of the shots are complicated, but they generally represent moments of anguish that can make the dreamer despair.

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What does it mean to dream that you are shot or shot?

What does it mean to dream that you are shot or shot

Today I will show you the meaning of dream that you are shot. It is not necessary that you are a police officer, or that you wield a weapon in your day-to-day life to have a nightmare involving shooting. It is a dream, which despite not being too common, it is very interesting. Since there are many meanings and symbolism that it will reproduce. Before starting, you should know that the interpretation of the dream will also depend on the context in which the plot takes place, in addition to your personality and the way you conceive the world you have.

For example, it will not be the same to have a dream in which the forces of authority are chasing you and that you have a gun in your hand after having perpetrated a robbery, than if someone shoots you with it, that if you find it, or if you just dream that you have one at home. We are going to analyze in detail some of the most likely situations that can occur.

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What does it mean to dream of death?

What does it mean to dream of death

You cannot escape life without facing death. Dream of death It is normal, mainly due to the uncertainty due to not knowing what is waiting for us after life, and due to the fear of losing our loved ones. It is usually a nightmare that will make us wake up sweaty and with a racing pulse. Contrary to popular belief, experts in dream psychoanalysis do not always give it a negative meaning. Search what it means to dream of death It's very common.

In most cases, dreaming about someone dying is related to a symbol of affection towards that person, and you do not want him to leave and stop seeing him (you can expand this information by reading about the meaning of dreaming of deceased friends). It can be so much about a friend, a co-worker, a relative, your partner. The meanings of dream of death They are quite varied, and the circumstances of the dreamer will have to be taken into account. It is important to take into account even the smallest detail, since everything counts when it comes to achieving a more accurate interpretation. Here we try to show you the most likely options.

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What does it mean to dream of someone dead?

What does it mean to dream of someone dead

Today I am going to reveal to you which is the meaning of dreaming of someone dead. There are thousands of dreams that we can have, from a nice kiss with him boy do you like even dead people. The second may seem horrendous, but there are many people who dream of it, especially those who have recently lost a family member or a very dear friend. It is important that you know that dream of death can be interpreted in many ways depending on the context of the dream, the person who appears in it and the relationship you had with him or her. For example, it does not have the same meaning to see your grandfather (as a symbol that you miss him), than to dream of a dead enemy (it represents the hatred you feel towards him).

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What does it mean to dream of dead relatives

What does it mean to dream of dead relatives

If you have dreamed of dead relatives The last thing you should do is be alarmed. The most normal thing is that it means that we are somewhat lost and that we advice is needed or information from someone we care about. We may need support to overcome the obstacles in our future.

It is very possible that you yourself think that the correct solution is the one that the deceased gives you in the dream, but you needed to hear it from another person to believe it. You will surely wake up happy and very relaxed, something that does not seem very normal if you have just dreaming of dead relatives.

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