You want to know What does it mean to dream of witches? Witches are not just children's things. Usually, it is the little ones in the house who are more susceptible to having nightmares, because when we were children we were afraid of them, in addition to monsters, the ghosts y The vampires. Adults dream of them too. For example, if you've seen a witchcraft or wizardry movie, like Harry Potter, it might make sense that you have nightmares about witches and witchcraft that night.
However, in mature people they can originate without having had contact with anything related, be something spontaneously generated. But before you start, remember that not all dreams about witchcraft have the same meaning. You can see a witch flying on her broom, to be good or bad, to be casting a spell on you, chasing and attacking you. Are they pretty or ugly with a wart on their nose? Do they laugh or cry? Do they have a cat in their hands or are they accompanied by the devil (then it is important that you find out more about Dream of demons and pray)? The context is important and that is why we start from a more general interpretation to lead to more specific ones.
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