dream hummingbird

dream hummingbird

As you know, dreams are the way your brain processes and stores day-to-day information through sleep. And these are influenced by daily experiences, thoughts and emotions. Therefore, dreaming of a hummingbird can have an important meaning for you.

Keep in mind that Dreams are symbolic and are also usually related to aspects of our personality or our lives. But what does it mean to dream of a hummingbird? Coming up next, we tell you.

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What does it mean to dream that your mother dies?

What does it mean to dream that your mother dies?

Dreaming that your mother dies is not pleasant. For many it is a nightmare. Perhaps the worst they can have. However, that does not mean that at some point you will find yourself in this situation. And knowing what it means when your mom dies can help you see what your subconscious wants to tell you.

Therefore, on this occasion, We are going to give you the different meanings that there are when dreaming that your mother dies.

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What does it mean to dream of someone you no longer speak to?

Person starting to dream of Dreaming of people who do not speak

We cannot say that all dreams have meanings. But sometimes there are dreams that, when we wake up, leave us with a sensation and a very vivid memory of what has happened. When looking for their meaning, in most cases it coincides with a moment in our lives. So what does it mean to dream of someone you no longer speak to? Has it ever happened to you that you have had this dream?

Dreaming of a person to whom you no longer speak is very common, and for psychologists, it means that there is some emotion towards that person, good or bad. But what is its real meaning?

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Dream about a black horse

Black Horse

When we dream, not many times we have the possibility of influencing what our subconscious wants to show us. This is why we often come across strange things. Dreaming of a black horse is, as far as it goes, something we could say is normal.

But is it a good thing or a bad thing? What happens when we have those kinds of dreams? Here we explain everything to you.

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Dream of sweets

Person starting to dream about sweets

There are dreams and nightmares. And within dreams, when you have a sweet tooth or you like sweets, dreaming of sweets can be like being in paradise. Especially because afterwards you wake up wanting to savor on your palate that sweetness that is the first thing you put in your mouth.

Now, have you ever considered that dreaming of sweets is a good thing? Or maybe it's bad? What can happen if you dream of eating sweets or being given sweets? Don't worry, here we are going to analyze some of the meanings related to this.

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Dream about school

Person starting to dream about school

When you're young and you have to go to class, dreaming about school is not something you want, especially since you already have enough to spend 5-6 hours there. However, have you ever thought that this dream could have a meaning?

What if you dream, now an adult, of school? What if you see children going to school? Below we reveal everything you need to know about this type of dream. Will it be positive or negative?

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dream of thorns

A person who begins to dream of thorns

They say that dreams are dreams. But in reality there are always messages from your subconscious that, if you know how to interpret them, can help you in your day to day life. Either to change or to have hope for what is going to come to you. Some are more like nightmares, such as dreams of thorns. In fact, although it is said that pain cannot be felt, we do have that sensation.

But what does it mean to dream of thorns? Is it a good or bad thing? What happens if you get thorns in your hands or feet? And if you hold them in your hand? If you have dreamed of them Next we give you the keys so that you understand its meaning.

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dream drunk

drunk person

The vast majority of dreams have a meaning, a way for our subconscious to communicate something positive or negative to us. That's why when you dream it is important to remember the most characteristic of the dream. One of them may be dreaming of a drunk. Has it ever happened to you?

If you want to know what it means and what your mind is trying to tell you, then we will give you the answer based on what you can remember the most. Go for it?

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Dream of assault

A dream of an assault

Has it ever happened to you that you woke up distressed because you had a nightmare in which you were robbed? Dreaming of an assault is not strange, at some point in our lives we can see ourselves in that situation in our dreams.

But does it have any meaning? If you are considering it and there are parts of the dream that you remember very vividly, here we are going to try to make sense of what your subconscious is trying to tell you.

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dream of driving

person who dreams of driving

Have you ever in your dreams been driving? dream of driving It is not something strange, quite the opposite. Demonstrate your ability to take control in certain situations and take you to another point in your life.

However, when dreaming, there can be many different interpretations based on driving a car, a bus, a truck, a motorcycle... How about we leave you the meaning of the most frequent ones?

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Dream about dirty toilets

dream of a bathroom

Imagine you are going on a trip. At a given moment you feel like going to the bathroom, so the normal thing is that you stop somewhere. But when you walk in, you see them dirty. So you close the door and, unless it's urgent and you can't take it, you go somewhere else. But, in your dreams have you done something like that? Dreaming of dirty toilets, believe it or not, it is something normal and that many people have "experienced" at least once in their life.

And this so "disgusting" actually has a meaning. So if you woke up and remember that part of your dream clearly, why don't we try to make sense of it?

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dream with frets

dream with frets

The dishes are waste that we have in the houses and that are useless because, either they have gone out of style, because they are not practical, because they are broken... Many times we accumulate these objects in a drawer, either because of the emotions that remind us, Good for getting them out of sight. Therefore, dreaming of frets can be something normal.

Now what does it mean? If you want to know, and Depending on the dream you have had, it will have one or another meaning.Keep reading and you will find out.

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dream with elf

Goblins in Mushroom

There are times when dreams become fanciful and dreaming of an elf, a fairy, a werewolf, a vampire... is not so strange. Now, what you may need to know is that everything this has a meaning that perhaps you have never considered before. And yet, your subconscious tries to help you even if you don't hear it.

Therefore, do you know what it means to dream of an elf? What if they are good? What if they are bad? We'll tell you all about it right away.

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dream about banana

dream about bananas

Very rarely can we influence dreams. For this reason, we often see ourselves doing things that can be everyday, or others that are totally impossible to carry out in real life. In this case, dreaming of a banana is not impossible. It may be that you eat it, that you see it, that you buy it, or that it is a certain color.

But, when you wake up from that dream, is that the first thing you remember? So then there is a meaning that will depend on the type of banana and what has happened. How about we help you understand it?

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Dream of defecating

Frog in the toilet in a dream of defecating

Dreams are also a way in which our subconscious tries to organize its memories. But it also warns us of certain things that are happening around us or that are not going to affect us. In this case, dreaming of defecating is something that we do not like very much, but it can happen. What does it mean when this happens? Is it a good or bad thing?

Although the act itself is not very pleasant to see or smell, the truth is that, depending on the situation you find yourself in, it can be something positive or negative. We explain it below.

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dream with earrings

crystal earrings

In general, jewelry is one of the most desired objects by women, and also by many men, so dreaming about it is not uncommon. For this reason, today we are going to focus on dreaming about earrings, or what is the same, dreaming about earrings.

It does not matter if these are placed in the ears, or in other parts of the body (as a piercing), you should know that they have a meaning and that will depend on the circumstance in which you find yourself in the dream and the type of earrings, or where you place it.

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dream about cake


The dreams they are one of the most curious ways that your unconscious has to call your attention. Many times, something as simple and inconspicuous as dreaming about cake can become an omen of good or bad things.

But what if there is a cake in your dreams? What does it mean you bake it? And what do you eat? What if the cake is chocolate or cream? If when you woke up what has come to your mind is to dream of a cake, here we tell you what it means.

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Dream about shrimp

shrimp dish

Dreams are dreams. It is something that in real life is very rare to happen. But it is true that sometimes dreaming of certain elements, or at least remembering them, can have a hidden meaning. For example, do you know what it means to dream about shrimp?

Yes, there are times that shrimp can enter your dreams and these, that they are an exquisite delicacy and that not many people can afford them (the good ones, good ones) have an important meaning. Which? We explain it to you.

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