There are many reasons that could provoke you visualize fights while you sleep. If you have seen any Bruce Lee movies, or action movies full of discussions and battles. The television broadcasts content with kicks and punches every day. If you have had a dispute at school or work, you could have unpleasant nightmares, or even if you hold a grudge against a person with whom you have been arguing a lot lately. In this article I explain what does it mean to dream of fights.
But it is that you have to take into account other important aspects to find the Dreams meaning, such as what you have experienced in the last few days or the context and behavior that you showed in the dream. For example, watching a street fight does not mean the same thing as arguing at home with your partner, or a brother. What's more, it can be a fight between animals such as dogs, cats, roosters or bulls. There is a lot to interpret and that is what you are going to learn next.
Dream about family quarrels
Is it with your family? The family arguments and fights are the order of the day. Living together in a home is not easy and anything can set off a dispute. Whose turn was it to scrub? Have you cleaned your room? I want to put on my favorite TV show! They are minor problems that if they are normally lived at home, you could dream of them. Also if there has been a serious altercation such as financial debts in the family between parents, siblings, etc.
Dreaming of a dog or cat fight
These underground battles can have two meanings. If on the one hand you like cats and dogs to stick together, your subconscious shows you for that and you are soulless. Animals should matter much more to you. On the other hand, if you don't like them at all, it is interpreted that something in your life does not let you rest calmly. Are you going to seize something? Is an expropriation approaching for not paying taxes? It would also be interesting for you to discover more dream information about dogs (see meaning).
Dreaming of a couple quarrel
When you see yourself arguing with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband, it means that have you had a traumatic experience with that person And now you're having nightmares Whether you've had a real fight or if you have doubts about the path you are following with her, it will be difficult for you to sleep in peace. Sometimes there is even blood involved, in which case you should know more about dream of blood.
Dreaming that you have been beaten up
Have you been beaten up? When you are experiencing drastic changes in life, your self esteem could be affected And you get so tired that you feel like you've been beaten up. This happens especially to those who have too many doubts in their mind, who usually feel indecision and anguish, in extremely pessimistic people. In addition, this dream originates when a family member or loved one has died. And, of course, when you have "physically" fought and been injured, with bruises, fractures and rage, the consequence is a brutal nightmare.
Dream of a street fight
These dreams happen in people who have moved to troubled neighborhoods where there are discussions and street battles, shootings and stab wounds. If you normally live these types of areas and witness a death, you could have nightmares of that same battle. It represents how much you value your life, you do not want to spoil it for a foolish thing and you have a dialogue personality, which solves its problems by talking.
Dreaming of women's fights
On the other hand, you could dream of fights between women: if you are a man, it is interpreted that you are a macho.
Now it's your turn, in which you tell us about your experiences with this type of dream in the comments. Discuss what you felt, what you thought, what meaning you clarified, the reasons why the subconscious led you to imagine these unpleasant situations. So we will all learn together.
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If this article about what does it mean to dream of fighting and arguing, then I invite you to read other dreams that start with the letter P.